Updated on 4 August 2021
It's a fact that most of the people in our busy society work for someone else. Yet it seems that an increasing number of people are choosing to become self-employed.
And this is no surprise. There are numerous reasons why you would become an entrepreneur. Here are the top five reasons why becoming self-employed could be the way forward for you:
If you ask self-employed entrepreneurs what they think is the greatest advantage, you will inevitably get a range of different answers. However, entrepreneurs remarkably often cite the fact that they are effectively their own boss as the greatest advantage. You simply don't have someone who is on top of you all the time, makes often unreasonable demands and create a high-pressured working environment. Of course, being an entrepreneur can also be demanding but the fact that you are in the driver's seat reduces the stress levels.
You are your own boss, and you decide what you will do each day. Perhaps you will work long hours, perhaps not. As an entrepreneur, you are the one who makes the final decisions at each stage.
Freedom is a significant advantage. Every citizen likes to feel free, in their personal life and in their economic working life. And there is no greater freedom than being self-employed, which is an option that particularly suits creative types.
As an entrepreneur, you have infinitely more liberty than working for someone else. Of course, as an entrepreneur, there are also problems and responsibilities, but these can all be controlled by you.
But you have the ability, for example, to organize your time as you want or to set parameters as to how the work is done. You will have the freedom to determine your own destiny.
Some people have the attitude that the whole of life is a big learning curve. You can learn something new each day about yourself, in terms of relationships and your work.
Working for your self allows you to develop this attitude to its fullest. Sadly, many people find working for someone else, doing the same daily tasks for years, can end up feeling as if you are stuck on a treadmill.
As a result, your career can feel dull and stale while still being stressful. As an entrepreneur, this is not likely to happen, and if you do become bored, you can always change direction.
Every day there are new developments that to react to, and almost limitless areas to explore.
You can sometimes feel quite frustrated in the workplace.
For example, you think you have be inspired by a fantastic idea, but your supervisor or your boss isn't keen at all and stops your idea in its tracks.
If you really believe in your new concept and it gets thrown into the rubbish, it can be soul-destroying.
When you are your own boss and work as an independent entrepreneur, there is room for your own ideas. You can be as passionate about your chosen area as you please, and the only people you need to convince are potential investors!
It's finally your turn to shine, and you may be buzzing with new ideas. As an entrepreneur, it is finally time to put these ideas into action!
In fact, we are continually looking for satisfaction in our lives. As a person you want to feel that you are of value, that your work is important and that you actually contribute to something worthwhile. It is all to easy to feel like an insignificant cog in a corporate machine.
If you start as an entrepreneur, you are much more driven to achieve success. You just need to believe in your own work.
When you find success as an entrepreneur, the feelings of satisfaction and pride are immense. And this is just not the case when a large project is properly signed off; a day working as an entrepreneur and taking steps in the right direction can provide high levels of satisfaction in itself!
So if you are thinking of making the leap and becoming an entrepreneur, our advice is to go for it. Do your research, make a business plan, and look forward to a fulfilling like where you control your own destiny.